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The Growing Popularity of Flexible Plastic Packaging

flexible plastic packaging

When you think of product packaging, rigid crates and cardboard boxes usually come to mind. However, the reality is, many manufacturing and retail organizations are choosing to use flexible plastic injection molding packaging materials such as bags and pouches in place of the traditional rigid ones.

A recent report by the Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) states that the plastic packaging industry has experienced consistent annual growth, and is currently valued at $30 billion. Also, this market is expected to increase by 3% in the near future.

What are the Reasons behind the Popularity of Flexible Plastic Packaging?

There are a variety of reasons why plastic materials are being touted as the next big thing in packaging.

  • Convenience and Portability: Flexible packaging is seen as a positive type of packaging by retailers and consumers. Consumers appreciate the material as it is convenient to use, portable, reusable, and can be stored easily. Retailers use it as it helps saves space on shelves, and allows more freedom in terms of brand marketing and merchandising. Another point appreciated by both groups is the material’s aesthetic appeal. It helps the product to stand out from other items, and can be designed to be eye catching.
  • Cost Savings: The biggest advantage of plastic materials is its cost-effectiveness. Plastic manufacturers require less material to fabricate packaging when using plastic. Research has shown that the amount of material used to create flexible packaging is 40% less than rigid boxes and other solid packaging items. This also leads to reduced fabrication and delivery time.
  • Sustainability: Continuing from the previous point, fewer materials used in the manufacturing process lead to lesser waste. Flexible packaging formats have been found to create 50 percent less waste than rigid materials. Also, plastic flexible packaging utilizes 88% less fossil fuel in its manufacturing process.
  • Health Benefits: While this may not be known by many consumers, flexible plastic packaging also provides a variety of health benefits. The packaging is manufactured using FDA approved plastic films. It can be designed to be UV resistant, and help prevent product contamination from environmental factors. Plastic packaging can be resealed, thus helping to extend the life of a product.

Plastic packaging provides a variety of advantages to manufactures, retailers, and consumers alike. Hence, it is no surprise that this packaging material is winning the hearts of people worldwide.

Veejay Plastic
395 S. Main Street
P.O. Box 367
Burlington,IL, US 60109

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